Dr. Stephen Morse (the grandfather for the Pentium computer processor chips), is the creative genius behind One Step Genealogy. Below is an interview with him obtained by Dick Eastman discussing the many ways that the "One Step Genealogy" page can help you with your family history research. I have used this site in the past and have been impressed with the search engines. This site contains both free and mixed database portal searches and allows you to choose which database you would like to search so if you do not subscribe to a particular database you do not have to search it.
The search engines currently can search the following databases:
Ellis Island Search Forms and Ship Arrivals (1892-1924)
Castle Garden years (1855-1891) plus other New York Arrivals
Other Ports of Immigration
US Census and Soundex (1790-1940)
Canadian and British Census
New York Census
Births, Deaths, and other Vital Records
Calendar, Sunrise/Sunset, Maps
Dealing with Characters in Foreign Alphabets
Holocaust and Eastern Europe
Creating your own Search Forms, Search Engines, and Databases
If you are interested in utilizing this nice website for research, please click One-Step Genelaogy. I would suggest that you read through the "About this Website and How to Use It" link as Dr. Morse tells you how to use the search engines he has designed to their fullest potential. Have fun searching!
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