FamilyLink.com, a division of WorldVitalRecords.com, is just such a site. It is currently in Beta, but anyone can join and begin making links. This site is designed to assist in making connections in specific geographic regions as well as by surname. Think about it....wouldn't it be nice to be able to find someone that has been searching in the same specific geographic location as you have been. Maybe they can give you hints on how to search the area. Some people have volunteered to do free lookups in a particular region; others will assist you for a nominal fee. Some people have even offered to perform lookups on various websites to which they subscribe.
FamilyLink is planning to be provide the ability in the future to upload for Family Data. They will allow control over who can and can not view your data. The downside of the site at this time is that there are virtually no help or how-to files. This means you have to be adventurous and not afraid to try something new realizing that it may not work the way that you think it should, but that is part of being involved in a beta site or program. You are helping work out the bugs.
If you like being on the cutting edge, trying out new ways to connect with your family, and enjoy helping with the development of a new avenue for family history, this site is for you. If you are interested in joining, click here.
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